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Working papers

157Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Falco, C.Family Planning and Ethnic Heritage: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa2024Download file pdf 
156Granese, A.Two Main Business Cycle Shocks are Better than One2024Download file pdf 
155Cipollini, A.; Parla, F.Temperature and Growth: a Panel Mixed Frequency VAR Analysis using NUTS2 data2023Download file pdf 
154Falco, C.; Corbi, R.Natural Disasters and Preferences for the Environment: Evidence from the Impressionable Years2022Download file pdf 
153Incerpi, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Salsano, F.Does War Make States? Military Spending and the Italian State building, 1861-19452022Download file pdf 
152Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Tedeschi, G. L.Strangers and Foreigners: Trust and Attitudes toward Citizenship2022Download file pdf 
151Bertocchi, G.; Bonacini L, .; Murat, M.Adams and Eves: The Gender Gap in Economics Majors2021Download file pdf 
150Bonacini, L.; Brunetti, I.; Gallo, G.Choose the school, choose the performance. New evidence on the determinants of student performance in eight European countries2021Download file pdf 
149Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.COVID-19, Race, and Gender2021Download file pdf 
148Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Sala, L.Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Vector Autoregressions2020Download file pdf 
147Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Lippi, M.; Scala, L.Common Components Structural VARs2020Download file pdf 
146Debortoli, D.; Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Sala, L.Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy Easing and Tightening2020Download file pdf 
144Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.Bitter Sugar: Slavery and the Black Family2020Download file pdf 
143Ribba, A.Is the unemployment inflation trade-off still alive in the Euro Area and its member countries? It seems so2019Download file pdf 
142Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Gender gaps in education2019Download file pdf 
141Dallari, P.; Ribba, A.The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy and Government Spending Shocks on Unemployment in the Peripheral Euro Area Countries2019Download file pdf 
140Cantarella, M.; Strozzi, C.Labour market effects of crowdwork in the US and EU: an empirical investigation2018Download file pdf 
138Di Bonaventura, L.; Forni, M.; Pattarin, F.The Forecasting Performance of Dynamic Factor Models with Vintage Data2018Download file pdf 
137Bertocchi, G.; Brunetti, M.; Zaiceva, A.The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy2018Download file pdf 
136Addabbo, T.; Davoli, M.; Murat, M.Is there an immigrant-gender gap ineducation? An empirical investigation based on PISA data from Italy2018Download file pdf 
135Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Private Information and the Commitment Value of Unobservable Investment2018Download file pdf 
134Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Strategic Effects of Investment andPrivate Information: The Incumbent's Curse2017Download file pdf 
133Murat, M.Foreign aid and asylum immigration. Does development matter?2017Download file pdf 
132Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Sala, L.News, Uncertainty and Economic Fluctuations (No News is Good News)2017Download file pdf 
131Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Lancia, F.; Russo, A.Foreign Aid and responsiveness of bilateral refugee inflows2017Download file pdf 
130Murat, M.Foreign Aid and responsiveness of bilateral refugee inflows2017Download file pdf 
129Pistoresi, B.; Cavicchioli, M.; Brevini, G.Central Bank Independence, financial instability and politics: new evidence for OECD and non-OECD countries2017Download file pdf 
128Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A.Measuring the Effects of Oil Price and Euro-area Shocks on CEECs Business Cycles2017Download file pdf 
127Raduzzi, R.; Ribba, A.The Macroeconomics Outcome of Oil Shocks in the Small Eurozone Economies2017Download file pdf 
126Di Martino, P.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.International financial flows, domestic banks, and the economic development of the periphery:Italy, 1861-19132016Download file pdf 
125Bertocchi, G.The Legacies of Slavery in and out of Africa2016Download file pdf 
124Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Origins and implications of family structure across Italian provinces in historical perspective2016Download file pdf 
123Cavicchioli, M.; Forni, M.; Lippi, M.; Zaffaroni, P.Eigenvalue Ratio Estimators for the Number of Dynamic Factors2016Download file pdf 
122Cavicchioli, M.; Papana, A.; Papana Dagiasis, A.; Pistoresi, B.Determinants of Central Bank Independence: a Random Forest Approach2016Download file pdf 
121Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.; Wu, J.The Interplay of Cultural Aversion and Assortativity for the Emergence of Cooperation2016Download file pdf 
120Forni, M.; Giovannelli, A.; Lippi, M.; Soccorsi, S.Dynamic Factor model with infinite dimensional factor space: forecasting2016Download file pdf 
119Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Sala, L.VAR Information and the Empirical Validation of DSGE Models2016Download file pdf 
118ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, AnzelikaWorker flows and Labour Market Adjustment during the Great Recession: Evidence from a Large Shock2016Download file pdf 
117Brighi, L.; Silvestri, P.Inefficiency in childcare production. Evidence from italian microdata2016Download file pdf 
116Cavicchioli, M.; Pistoresi, B.Testing threshold cointegration in Wagner's Law: the role of military spending2015Download file pdf 
115Forni, M.; Hallin, M.; Lippi, M.; Zaffaroni, P.Dynamic Factor Models with Innite-Dimensional Factor Space:Asymptotic Analysis2015Download file pdf 
113Murat, M.; Recalde, M. L.; Degiovanni, P. G.The education networks of Latin America. Effects on trade during and after the cold war2015Download file pdf 
112Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.The Long-Term Determinants of Female HIV Infection in Africa: The Slave Trade, Polygyny, and Sexual Behavior2015Download file pdf 
111Ribba, A.What Drives US Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run?2015Download file pdf 
110Bozzano, M.On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture?2015Download file pdf 
109Cipollini, A.; Lo Cascio, I.; Muzzioli, S.Volatility risk premia and financial connectedness2014Download file pdf 
107Murat, M.Soft, hard or smart power? International students and investmentsabroad2014Download file pdf 
106Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Limit pricing and secret barriers to entry2014Download file pdf 
105Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.Government Spending Shocks in Open Economy VARs2014Download file pdf 
104Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A.Common Macroeconomic Shocks and Business Cycle Fluctuations in Euro Area Countries2014Download file pdf 
103Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces2014Download file pdf 
102Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Persuasion with Reference Cues and Elaboration Costs2014Download file pdf 
101Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Small Noise in Signaling Selects Pooling on Minimum Signal2014Download file pdf 
100Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Signaling with Costly Acquisition of Signals2014Download file pdf 
99Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Dynamic Adverse Selection and the Supply Size2014Download file pdf 
98ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, AnzelikaInformal Employment in Russia: Definitions, Incidence, Determinants and Labor Market Segmentation2014Download file pdf 
97Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Lippi, M.; Sala, L.Noisy News in Business Cycles2014Download file pdf 
96Forni, Mario; M., ; Gambetti; L. ; Lippi M. ; Sala, L.Noise Bubbles2014Download file pdf 
95Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Instrumental Cardinal Concerns for Social Status in Two-Sided Matching with NonTransferable Utility2014Download file pdf 
94Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Disclosure of Information in Matching Markets with Non-Transferable Utility2014Download file pdf 
93Bertocchi, G.; Gambardella, A.; Jappelli, T.; Nappi, C. A.; Peracchi, F.Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review:Evidence from Italy2013Download file pdf 
92Pistoresi, Barbara; Rinaldi, AlbertoItaly's current account sustainability: a long run perspective, 1861-20002013Download file pdf 
91Murat, M.Education ties and investments abroad. Empirical evidence from the US and UK2013Download file pdf 
90Pancotto, F.; Pericoli, F.; Pistagnesi, M.Inefficiency in survey exchange rates forecasts2013Download file pdf 
89ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, Anzelika; Zimmermann, Klaus F.Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis2013Download file pdf 
88Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Women, medieval commerce, and the education gender gap2013Download file pdf 
87Murat, M.Out of sight, not out of mind. Education networks and international trade2012Download file pdf 
86Ribba, A.The federal funds rate and the conduction of the international orchestra2012Download file pdf 
85Bozzano, M.Assessing Gender Inequality among Italian Regions: The Italian Gender Gap Index2012Download file pdf 
84Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.De Jure and de Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from Mississippi2012Download file pdf 
83Bertocchi, G.; Brunetti, M.; Torricelli, C.Is it money or brains? the determinants of intra-family decision power2012Download file pdf 
82Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A.Euro Area Inflation as a Predictor of National Inflation Rates2012Download file pdf 
81Scozzari, A.; Tardella, F.; Paterlini, S.; Krink, T.Exact and Heuristic Approaches for the Index Tracking Problem with UCITS Constraints2012Download file pdf 
80Murat, M.; Ferrari, D.; Frederic, P.Immigrant students and educational systems. Cross-country evidence from PISA 20062012Download file pdf 
79Kessing, S.; Strozzi, C.The Regional Distribution of Public Employment: Theory and Evidence2012Download file pdf 
78Wang, Z.; Paterlini, S.; Gao, F.; Yang, Y.Adaptive Minimax Estimation over Sparse lq-Hulls2012Download file pdf 
77Zaffaroni, AConvex radiant costarshaped sets and the least sublinear gauge2012Download file pdf 
76ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, AnzelikaJob Separations, Job Loss and Informality in the Russian Labor Market2012Download file pdf 
75Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.The Evolution of the Racial Gap in Education and the Legacy of Slavery2011Download file pdf 
74Murat, M.Do immigrant students succeed? Evidence from Italy and France based on PISA 20062011Download file pdf 
73Lancia, F.; Russo, A.Self-Commitment-Institutions and Cooperation in Overlapping Generations Games2011Download file pdf 
72Bilancini, E.; D'Alessandro, S.Long-run Welfare under Externalities in Consumption, Leisure, and Production: A Case for Happy Degrowth vs. Unhappy Growth2011Download file pdf 
71Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.Race v. Suffrage. The determinants of development in Mississippi2011Download file pdf 
70Mittnik, S.; Paterlini, S.; Yener, T.Operational–risk dependencies and the determination of risk capital2011Download file pdf 
69Comune, M.; Naghavi, A.; Prarolo, G.Intellectual property rights and south-north formation of global innovation networks2011Download file pdf 
68Naghavi, A.; Strozzi, C.Intellectual Property Rights, Migration, and Diaspora2011Download file pdf 
67Naghavi, A.; Spies, J.; Toubal, F.International Sourcing, Product Complexity and Intellectual Property Rights2011Download file pdf 
66Farvaque, E.; Mihailov, A.; Naghavi, A.The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency2011Download file pdf 
65Akerman, A.; Larsson, A.; Naghavi, A.Autocracies and Development in a Global Economy: A Tale of Two Elites2011Download file pdf 
64Bertocchi, G.Growth, Colonization, and Institutional Development. In and Out of Africa2011Download file pdf 
63Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.; Sala, L.No News in Business Cycles2011Download file pdf 
62Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.Sufficient Information in Structural VARs2011Download file pdf 
61Rinaldi, A.; Pistoresi, B.Exports and Italy’s economic development: a long-run perspective (1863-2004)2011Download file pdf 
60Lehmann, H.; Muravyev, A.; Razzolini, T.; ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, AnzelikaThe Wage and Non-wage Costs of Displacement: Evidence from Russia2011Download file pdf 
59Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.Fiscal Foresight and the Effects of Government Spending2010Download file pdf 
58Murat, M.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.Transnational social capital and FDI. Evidence from Italian associations worldwide2011Download file pdf 
57Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Dynamic Adverse Selection and the Size of the Informed Side of the Market2011Download file pdf 
56Fastrich, B.; Paterlini, S.; Winker, P.Cardinality versus q-Norm Constraints for Index Tracking2011Download file pdf 
55Murat, M.; Pirotti, T.The attractiveness of countries for FDI. A fuzzy approach2010Download file pdf 
53Ă€lvarez, J.; Bilancini, E.; D’Alessandro, S.; Porcile, G.Agricultural Institutions, Industrialization and Growth: The Case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-19402010Download file pdf 
52Bilancini, E.On the Rationalizability of Observed Consumers’ Choices when Preferences Depend on Budget Sets and (Potentially) on Anything Else2010Download file pdf 
51Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.Slavery, Education, and Inequality2010Download file pdf 
50Lancia, F.; Russo, R.A Dynamic Politico-Economic Model of Intergenerational Contracts2010Download file pdf 
48Murat, M.; Flisi, S.The hub continent? Immigrant networks, emigrant diasporas and FDI2010Download file pdf 
47Cipollini, A.; Lo Cascio, I.Testing for Contagion: a Time-Scale Decomposition2010Download file pdf 
46Michalopoulos, S.; Naghavi, A.; Prarolo, G.Trade and Geographyin the Economic Origins of Islam: Theory and Evidence2010Download file pdf 
45Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Strict Nash equilibria in large gameswith strict single crossing in types and actions2010Download file pdf 
44Bertocchi, G.; Guerzoni, D.Growth, History, or Institutions? What Explains State Fragilityin Sub-Saharan Africa2010Download file pdf 
43Bertocchi, G.; Guerzoni, D.The Fragile Definition of State Fragility2010Download file pdf 
42Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Preferences and Normal Goods: An Easy-to-Check Necessary and Sufficient Condition2010Download file pdf 
40Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.Macroeconomic Shocks and the Business Cycle: Evidence from a Structural Factor Model2010Download file pdf 
39Bjorvatny, K.; Naghavi, A.Rent seekers in rentier states: When greed brings peace2010Download file pdf 
38Mantovani, A.; Naghavi, A.Parallel Imports and Innovation in an Emerging Economy2010Download file pdf 
37Lo Bue, L.; Ribba, A.The Recent Performance of theTraditional Measure of Core Inflation in G7 Countries2009Download file pdf 
36Addabbo, Tindara; D., FavaroEducation and wage differentials by gender in Italy2009 
34Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Signalling, Social Status and Labor Income Taxes2009Download file pdf 
33Ribba, A.On Some Neglected Implications of the Fisher Effect2009Download file pdf 
32Murat, M.; Flisi, S.Immigrant Links, Diasporas and FDI. An Empirical Investigation on Five European Countries2009Download file pdf 
31Rinaldi, A.The Rise of A District Lead Firm: The Case of Wam (1968-2003)2009Download file pdf 
30Bertocchi, G.; Brunetti, M.; Torricelli, C.Marriage and Other Risky Assets: A Portfolio Approach2009Download file pdf 
29Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Redistribution and the Notion of Social Status2008Download file pdf 
28Messina, J.; Strozzi, C.; Turunen, J.Real wages over the business cycle: OECD evidence from the time and frequency domains2008Download file pdf 
27Naghavi, A.Offshoring production: a simple model of wages, productivity, and growth2008Download file pdf 
26Forni, M.; Gambetti, L.The dynamic effects of monetary policy: A structural factor model approach2008Download file pdf 
25Longoni, M. G.; Rinaldi, A.Industrial Policy and Artisan Firms in Italy, 1945-19812008Download file pdf 
24Rinaldi, Alberto; Vasta, M.The Italian Corporate Network, 1952-1983: New Evidence Using the Interlocking Directorates Technique2008 
22Addabbo, T.; Di Tommaso, M. L.Children capabilities and family characteristics in Italy2008Download file pdf 
21Krink, T.; Paterlini, S.Differential evolution for multiobjective portfolio optimization2008Download file pdf 
20Altissimo, F.; Cristadoro, R.; Forni, M.; Lippi, M.; Veronese, G.New Eurocoin: tracking economic growth in real time2008Download file pdf 
19Naghavi, A.; Ottaviano, G.Outsorcing, complementary innovations and growth2008Download file pdf 
18Naghavi, A.; Leahy, D.Intellectual property rights and NorthSouth joint ventures2008Download file pdf 
18Bertocchi, G.The enfranchisement of women and the welfare state2008Download file pdf 
16Ferrari, D.Parametric density estimation by minimizing nonextensive entropy2008Download file pdf 
15Addabbo, Tindara; T., ; Facchinetti; G., ; Maccagnan; A. ; Mastroleo; G., ; PirottiThe interaction between parents and children as a relevant dimension of child well being. The case of Italy2008Download file pdf 
14Cipollini, A.; Kapetanios, G.Forecasting financial crises and contagion in Asia using dynamic factor analysis2008Download file pdf 
12Bertocchi, Graziella; G. ; Strozzi;, C.International migration and the role of institutions2008Download file pdf 
11Naghavi, A.Trade sanctions and green trade liberalization2008Download file pdf 
10Cipollini, A.; Missaglia, G.Measuring bank capital requirements through dynamic factor analysis2008Download file pdf 
9Bertocchi, G.; Strozzi, C.The evolution of citizenship: economic and institutional determinants2007Download file pdf 
8Forni, M.; Giannone, D.; Lippi, M.; Reichlin, L.Opening the black box: structural factor models with large cross-sections2007Download file pdf 
7Cipollini, A.; Missaglia, G.Dynamic factor analysis of industry sector default rates and implication for portfolio credit risk modelling2007Download file pdf 
6Cipollini, A.; Aslanidis, N.Leading indicator properties of US high-yield credit spread2007Download file pdf 
4Addabbo, T.; Favaro, D.; Magrini, S.The distribution of the gender wage gap in Italy: does education Matter?2007Download file pdf 
3Murat, M.; Pistoresi, B.Migrant networks: empirical implications for the Italian bilateral trade2007Download file pdf 
2Murat, M.; Flisi, S.Migrant business networks and FDI2007Download file pdf 
1Ferrari, D.; Paterlini, S.The Maximum Lq-likelihood method: an application to extreme quantile estimation in finance2007Download file pdf, Marina Giovanna; Pistoresi, Barbara; Rinaldi, AlbertoItalian diaspora and foreign direct investment: a cliometric perspective.2008