National research grants (since 2000)
Gender Stereotypes and Education Gaps in the Economics Field (2019-2021)
The Economics of Culture: Ethnicity, Gender, and their Interactions (2019-2022)
Nonlinear and uncertainty effects of macroeconomic policies (2019-2022)
The role of Asymmetry and Kolmogorov equations in financial Risk Modelling (ARM) (2018-20)
Publication grant for the book La spesa pubblica in Italia: una crescita senza limiti?
by B. Pistoresi, A. Rinaldi and F. Salsano (2018)
Attivita' Base di Ricerca, Prof. Alberto Rinaldi (FFABR 2017)
Effetti non lineari di shock macroeconomici: metodi e applicazioni (2017-2019)
Determinants and economic effects of international migration (2017-19)
Costi, produttivitą ed efficienza del sistema universitario italiano. Unanalisi sui dati di bilancio degli atenei pubblici 2007-2015 (2017-19)
Gender, Family and Culture, across time and space (2017-19)
Measurement and determinants of the inequalities in educational achievements by gender and immigrant status in Italy and the United Kingdom (2017-19)
Le politiche fiscali nei paesi ad elevato debito dellarea euro: aspetti economici, finanziari e giuridici (2017-19)
SIGnaling with FRIctions that are Endogenously Determined (SIG.FRI.E.D) (2017-19)
Economic decision‐making: Empathic social interactions, neural correlates and prediction models (2016-17)
VAR strutturali e modelli a fattori per l'analisi e la previsione del ciclo economico: teoria e applicazioni (2015-16)
Disparitą di genere e dinamiche intergenerazionali: linclusione economica, politica e sociale di donne e giovani (2015-16)
Well being gender budgeting: methodologies and applications in Turkey and Italy (2015)
Modelli e strumenti per lanalisi economica: crescita, ciclo economico, stabilitą finanziaria, politiche pubbliche e innovazione (2013-2014)
Economia dell'intuizione e del ragionamento: uno studio sul cambiamento delle attitudini razionali in presenza di due sistemi di elaborazione (2013-2016)
Persuasion with Elaboration Costs
La previsione economica e finanziaria: il ruolo dell'informazione e la capacitą di modellare il cambiamento (2013-2016)
Growth in Mature Economies
(2012, 2013, 2015)
Self-commitment institutions and cooperation in team projects (2012-2013)
The Economics of the Family, Education and Social Capital (2012)
Working and living conditions in the capability approach (2011-2013)
Institutions, social dynamics and economic development (2011-2013)
Political institutions and demographic dynamics (2007-2009)
Evolutionary computation in statistics (2007-2009)
Forecasting macrovariables using dynamic factor models (2007-2008)
Theories and policies of long-term care in an ageing society (2006-2008)
Short term prediction of macroeconomic variables (2006-2007)
Theoretical studies of forecasting models in chemical synthesis using conjointly statistical
and chemical-engineering methods: applications to the yield of (HALS)-type: light stabilizers (2005-2006)
Migration flows, growth and institutions (2004-2006)
Dynamic factor models in structural economic analysis and in constructing cyclical indicators (2004-2006)
Models of Firm in Italian Industrial Capitalism in the Twentieth Century (2004-2006)
Quality of work, living conditions and wages adequacy (2004-2006)
Statistical evaluation of sex diagnosis in skeletal remains(2002-2006)
Non stationary time series analysis and wavelets (2003-2005)
Evaluation of fiscal and social local policies with static and dynamic microsimulation models (2003-2005)
The European economic cycle: measurement and econometric methods, empirical analysis, theoretical aspects, policies (2002-2004)
Industrial district as complex system (2002-2004)
Child care and labour supply (2002-2004)
Rubes: laboratory on networks of competences in mechanics (2002-2003)
Statistical forecasting models in chemicals industrial (2002-2003)
Construction of a household survey and a microsimulation model for the analysis of social and fiscal policies on a local basis (2001-2003)
Genetic molecular variability and bio-demographic structure of human populations: interactions and models comparison (2001-2003)
Crises: financial and real aspects (2000-2002)
Information and contractual relations: financial intermediaries, firms and macroeconomic equilibrium (2000-2002)
The dynamics of labour cost and labour productivity: the role of wage bargaining (2000-2001)